Bill Cooperman

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow and Hermann-Weyl-Instructor
  at ETH Zürich

I like to study the large-scale structure of random or periodic objects.

Here's my CV.



  1. Exponential scalar mixing for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations with degenerate stochastic forcing
      with Keefer Rowan
  2. A Harris theorem for enhanced dissipation, and an example of Pierrehumbert
      with Gautam Iyer and Seungjae Son
  3. Unique continuation on planar graphs
      with Ahmed Bou-Rabee and Shirshendu Ganguly
  4. Rigidity of harmonic functions on the supercritical percolation cluster
      with Ahmed Bou-Rabee and Paul Dario
  5. Slow periodic homogenization for Hamilton-Jacobi equations
      in Communications in Partial Differential Equations.
  6. Exponential mixing by shear flows
      in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis.
  7. On the random G equation with nonzero divergence
      in Calculus of Variations and PDE.
  8. Quantitative stochastic homogenization of the G equation
      in Probability Theory and Related Fields.
  9. A near-optimal rate of periodic homogenization for convex Hamilton-Jacobi equations
      in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis.